
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Don't didn't sleep through the last four months of 2011!  It's not January's September 3rd.  However, I work in academia, which means that my entire life functions on a school calendar.  At the end of each August, I find myself reflecting on the past year and making promises about the upcoming one.  I'm sure the fact that my performance evaluation and professional goals follow this schedule.  It may seem strange to the rest of the world, but it is what my life has been like for more years than I care to count.

So, since the new year is starting at the community college where I work, I am using it as an opportunity to set some goals for myself for the upcoming year.  I have a had a great year, both personally and professionally, but there is more I would like to do and efforts I would like to refocus in this upcoming year.  I figure the best way to make sure I actually follow through is by putting my goals out there in the blog world.  Even if I don't get any readers, I will still have this post out there reminding me that I set these goals.  So, here goes:

1) Add strength training to my exercise routine

2) Make sure I exercise 4 - 6 days a week.  If I have to go to the gym (on campus) during my lunch some days, then I have to make myself actually get up from my desk and walk across campus

3) Cook one new recipe and blog about it each week

4) Do more with this blog.  I just started it, but I need to make it prettier and more exciting to read.  I also have to find readers

5) Finish my thesis

6) Add yoga into my exercise routine

7) Take more pictures

8) Learn to knit

9) Train for and complete a triathlon

and most importantly...

10)  Make sure to sit back, relax and enjoy the moments that are whizzing by.  The kids are getting bigger each day, and I don't want to look back on this time someday and realize that I let it slip by too quickly. 


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