I know, I know...it could be worse. I could be addicted to crack. Or, I could still be addicted to cigarettes. But, the fact of the matter is that I eat a LOT of sugar...without even realizing it. I don't drink soda and I don't even use any sweetner in my coffee (milk only for me). So, I'm not consuming a lot of sugar those ways. My issue is the need to randomly consume candy throughout the day. Where I work, many of the offices have candy dishes, and I can't seem to visit one without helping myself to a little sweet snack. When I finish eating lunch, I make a point to eat a little something sweet. In the evening, I find myself consuming handfuls of chocolate chips.
I used to think that my sugar consumption was pretty low, but when I stopped to think about it the other day, I realized that I'm actually eating a lot of sugar throughout the day. Since I'm eating small servings of candy throughout the day, I don't think of it as really eating candy (does that even make sense? Oh, the things we tell ourselves to justify our behaviors). It's not like sitting down to a big piece of chocolate cake or eating a bunch of cookies (things I rarely do), but it's just as bad. I'm putting a lot of refined sugar into my system, which I don't need.
Even though I'll miss my sweet friend, I know it's for the best. Will I eat sugar again someday? Absolutely! After all, I believe strongly in the 80/20 rule when it comes to food choices. However, I won't do so until I feel like I have a handle on my addiction. This weekend I'm going to stock my cabinets and fridge with the foods listed above and starting Monday, I'll be (refined) sugar-free!
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